
From humble beginnings in 1996, Batphone Australia now supplies Plant of Health® eco-friendly fertilisers, Soil Nutrition Diagnostics™ and brilliant products to three continents.
We are committed to helping organisations, growers and the consumer to minimise the use of harsh chemicals, pesticides and fungicides; In turn, providing beautiful healthy plants, crops, gardens and environments.
Directors, Des Warnock and Garry Fraser recognised the need to educate people on the benefits of working with nature; with biological and sustainable farming practices, as good health starts with healthy soil.
"Our company started by launching a fish emulsion fertiliser and, as part of our reasearch into the industry to launch fertiliser, I soon discovered the toxic cocktail of chemicals many of us were unknowingly being sold" explains Des Warnock. "As I had a general interest in health and a young familly at the time, I completed a course in sustainable agriculture and the learning has never stopped"
This is when we decided to bring eco friendly products to the market and educate the customer through sharing of information, seminars and training. Plant of Health products are a result of this process and are now sold in three continents.
When it comes to growing, nobody knows everthing, and there is no one product that does it all . As a result, we work with many independent professionals and laboratories to bring you the best quality product and advice possible to help you develop your own strategy for your own growing situation.
We welcome any feedback, good or bad, to help us improve our products and services or maybe you have products that may be of interest to us. As we are a privately owned, debt free company we have contiued our growth over the years and helping people with soil and plant health is simply a way of life for us. We hope you enjoy our web page and we are here if you require further help.