BIA-WP10 - Bianco Vulcan 1.6HP Engine Driven Toolbox Pump
BIA-WP10 - Bianco Vulcan 1.6HP Engine Driven Toolbox Pump
Manufacturer: Bianco Pumpz
1.6HP Toolbox Pump
- Custom Built Frame
- Spark Arrester
- Full Serviceability
- Single cylinder, 2 stroke, forced air cooled engine
- Heads to 35 metres
- Flows to 100 l/min
- Suction to 8m
- 1 x 1” BSP male discharge ports
- 1 x 1” BSP male suction port
- Dust Suppression
- Water Transfer
- Tank Filling
- De-watering
Spare Parts Information and Exploded Diagrams and Installation Manuals

Custom engineered easy access roll frame that provides ongoing protection of the pump and engine whilst being fully accessible for ease of servicing.

Integrated rubber mounting feet pre fitted to the frame reducing vibration and movement during operation.

1 x 1” bsp male Suction Port

1 x 1” BSP male discharge port