Dow AgroScience

We spend more than $500 million annually on discovery and development of new, innovative, environmentally sustainable solutions for weed, insect and fungal diseases in crops and pastures. Across Australia and New Zealand, Dow AgroSciences operate three research stations that are part of a global network and are critical components in the product development life cycle. We characterise products in the discovery phase at the Waireka Global Discovery Research Station in New Zealand and conduct large scale field development work at research sites located at Halbury, South Australia and Breeza on the Liverpool Plains in New South Wales. It can take 8 to 10 years of research and more than $250 million to bring a new product to market. Considering new agricultural products have a 20 year patent life, speed of development is critical to maximise return on investment. Waireka Field Station Commercial pesticides in Australia need to be registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). Data generated from field research trials conducted in representative geographies is collated into a regulatory package that is then submitted to the APVMA for assessment. Independent scientists and subject matter experts review the data and label claims to ensure our products work as claimed, are safe to people, the environment and do not disrupt trade. Field research of the highest quality is essential to ensure new products perform to expectations and enable farmers access to the latest and most effective technology. There are six global agricultural research and development (R&D) companies with the capability and capacity to bring a new product into the marketplace and provide ongoing stewardship for those products. Product stewardship is important to Dow AgroSciences and almost 40 per cent of Dow AgroSciences R&D budget is directed to support existing products. Dow AgroSciences ANZ also has a commitment to engage with and demonstrate to bright young students the opportunities our industry has to offer. This is facilitated through student placements on our field stations through the national PICSE (Primary Industry Centre for Science Education) program.