Organic Crop Protectants

If you’ve not heard of us before then you might want to know something about us. Fair enough we say.
Organic Crop Protectants is an Australian company and we’ve been developing and manufacturing quality eco-friendly and Registered Organic horticultural products since 1991. Around the office we call ourselves OCP as Organic Crop Protectants is a bit of a mouthful.
We like organic growing plain and simple. We like that it does away with the need for toxic chemicals and that it nurtures the earth. We like that it produces healthy plants and produce. We also have a particular soft spot for beneficial insects like bees and ladybeetles. These guys are incredibly important to our ecosystems and should be looked after. Our products are specifically designed to be safe for beneficials.
Originally our products were developed and sold exclusively in the commercial sector for farmers and growers. If you’ve ever eaten organic food or drunk organic wine then there’s a very good chance it was grown with the help of our products.
Over the years garden clubs and keen gardeners started to hear about our products and would often call us wanting to purchase some. In the 2005 we launched the eco-organic garden range so that now all home gardeners could access the products in small convenient quantities. Organic gardening just got that bit easier.
Since then we’ve continued to expand our range and broaden our reach into mainstream gardening circles. At any one time we have multiple research projects unfolding as we continue to look for new ways to organically and safely solve gardening problems.
We are widely recognised within the industry as the leading organic garden range and are very proud to have been a part of the organic movement long before it became trendy. The bulk of our products are independently Certified Organic by Australian Organic as our commitment to genuine organic products.