Pool Pro Rapid Stabiliser 2kg
Pool Pro Rapid Stabiliser 2kg
Manufacturer: Pool Pro
Active Consistuent: 991gm/kg ISOCYANURIC ACID
General Instructions:
- Apply rapid pool stabiliser directly through the skimmer box while filter is operating. while adding, break up any lumps that may form. Operate filter for at least 2 hours.
- pH should be tested daily using fresh testing reagents. If it falls below the required level add pH buffer, if it rises above, add Dry Acid or HCL Acid.
- Chlorine levels should be tested daily by use of a reliable test kit using fresh reagents. Refer to your chlorine container for recommended levels.
Super Clorination
Summer- Apply dose once a week, see your sanitising product container for dose rates.
Winter- Apply dose once per month by adding either Granular Calcium Hypochlorite (Unstabilised chlorine) or liquid chlorine to destroy chloramines.
Storage & Handling:
Store under cover, in a dry, clean, cool, well ventilated place away from sunlight
Direction for Use:
Pool capacity in Litres Dose required to raise
stabiliser levels by: 50p.p.m.
10,000 500g
20,000 1000g
30,000 1500g
40,000 2000g
50,000 2500g
MSDS: https://www.poolpro.com.au/images/stories/virtuemart/product/stabiliser_all-grades89.pdf