Riverina Stock Feeds

Company History
The company originated in the Riverina District of Southern New South Wales in 1927 adjacent to the Wise Brothers flour mill in the township of Narrandera.
In 1955 the company’s manufacturing activities extended to Queensland and during the subsequent years business grew to service both domestic and overseas markets with a complete range of compound stock feeds and feed ingredients.
In February 1988 the company was re-structured with the involvement of Mitsubishi as a shareholder. This association has assisted in expanding markets both within Australia and overseas.
During the 1990’s the company grew its processing operations with the addition of the Leeton Branch (1990), a Suspension Supplement Plant in Warwick (1995) and a modern feed mill in Casino (1997).
This expansion continued in the 2000’s to include the acquisition of the Murgon Feedmill (2005), a second Suspension Plant in Mackay (2006), and Oakey Mill (2010).
The relocation of the Mitsubishi’s Australian grain business to Riverina saw the rapid growth in export sales of wheat, barley and canola. The deregulation of Australia’s export wheat marketing in 2009 provided an excellent opportunity expand our international business.
Riverina currently operates feed mills in Brisbane, Murgon, Warwick, Oakey, Casino and Mackay as well as trading branch offices in Kingaroy and Oakey.
With offices strategically located in the grain producing areas of South East Queensland and New South Wales, the company has a strong link with the farming community for the acquisition and distribution of agricultural produce.
The Head Office is located in Milton, Brisbane, where in addition to general management, the Commodity Trading Division co-ordinates the export activities of the group.
During the growth phase that the company has experienced over recent years we have strived to maintain our philosophy that “Customers are Important People”. Staff are encouraged to focus on the needs of customers which are best accommodated through quality, price and service.
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