Weedstop Herbicide 100g
Weedstop Herbicide 100g
Manufacturer: Weedforce
- Fence lines
- Driveways
- Paths
- Industrial storage yards
Weed Stop is a non-selective weed killer for long term control of many weeds and grasses
At typical use rates of Weed Stop:
100 grams of Weed Stop weedkiller will:
Mix 100 litres of spray mix
Treat and area of 1000 square metres
Typical use rates:
Driveways, fencelines and storage areas:
small areas: 10g in 10L water per 100m2
large areas: 500g - 1kg per hectare
Eucalypt tree plantings ( before planting only):
small areas: 10g in 10L water per 100m2
large areas: 500g - 1kg per hectare
Use higher rates for larger weeds and where longer term weed control is required
Refer to product label to determine suitability for your situation

The example below uses the Weed Stop rate recommended for long term weed control and the Glymac 360 rate recommended for general weed control in Domestic areas, Commercial, Industrial and Public Service areas, Agricultural buildings and other farm situations **
Nb Weed Stop is not intended to kill established weeds. If weeds are present add Glymac 360 or other glyphosate based weedkiller in accordance with the product label.
1. Half fill sprayer tank.
2. Add Weed Force Weed Stop Herbicide.
3. AlIow some mixing time.
4. Add Macspred Glymac 360 Herbicide.
5. Top up spray tank with desired quantity of water. * The Weed Stop label recommends rates in grams or Kilograms.
The table above can be used as a guide to measure Weed Stop using common measure cups graduated in millilitres (mL). Measure accuracy +/- 10% (use scales where greater accuracy is required)
** example only - always read the product label prior to using to determine the correct rate for your situation.
- No smell
- Granular formulation
- Convenient pack size and easy measure cup.
- Combine with Glymac 360 or Glymac 700 weedkiller to both knock down existing weed growth and provide long lasting residual control of new weeds to give you bare ground where you need it.
- Provides long lasting weed control of susceptible weeds for up to 9 months
Keep stock away from treated areas as some noxious weed may become palatable.
Brochure: http://file:///C:/Users/sales.BFSWS002/Downloads/28_PackWeedstop500g.png.pdf
Label: http://file:///C:/Users/sales.BFSWS002/Downloads/28_PackWeedstop500g.png%20(1).pdf
M.S.D.S: http://file:///C:/Users/sales.BFSWS002/Downloads/28_PackWeedstop500g.png%20(2).pdf